Thursday, 21 July 2011

Culinary Secrets #1 + daylight robbery and things..

i'm aware this is pretty stupid but ive already gone and drawn it so...nyaaa
Crossed the sea and back in England. Got searched at the port.   Because i look like a terrorist.    The policeman went through all three of my bags, untidying my careful arrangment of junk in my duffle bag ¬_¬
He said "you sounded nervous when you were talking to me" (which is bullshize ¬_¬) and thats why he had to check my bags. I wont use the "it's because im black" argument but.. :P

Took a taxi due to laziness and the driver played me like a foool. taking long routes so when the counter had gone up to £12  we were only 2 minutes away from the port. Then when we got to my road at a painful £21something, he DIDNT go straight down it, he broke off into a side road and did a little loop to rejoin the main road further down. Then he tried to do it AGAIN. like im an idiot. But i told him to go straight ahead.  I wish i had my mum's attitude sometimes. She would have told him off and paid him less than that £24something. £24. Screw you laziness

And Tesco.
81p for my cheap cola now eh?
i dont bloody think so.
adding little bits on since December and thought i wouldnt notice. i allowed you from 49p-50p i allowed you 50p-52p
but  52p-81p? ha! dream on. Im drinking water
im not cheap (yes i am) I just dont like being cheated.

Japan won the women's football world cup :) USA floopped on penalties les pauvres.
I wanna play football again.

and oh yeah!! I DROVE A CAR! for the first time ever!
..just a little bit. around an empty Decathalon car park. it was dark and wet (because i'm hardcore)
twas a french car so it might be confusing when i try it out here.
but i didnt even crash (or nearly crash) it (which i found amazing) so Ronan, you're a great instructor.
damn its hard to keep these short -_-'

Saturday, 16 July 2011


^ I kinda like this now :P
They say i shouldnt say n'importe nawak. use 'n'importe quoi' instead. but n'importe nawak sounds funnier so try and stop me :D its verlan. nawak is like a backwards pronunciation of "quoi"....with an n stuck on... I remember discovering verlan back in secondary school (thankyou bbc languages site) french slang is so cool sans deconner << XD new expression..phrase..thingy yayz. ooh and 'nickel'! lol.
Think ive grown up a bit :( went to some bookstores yesterday and none of the bande dessinĂ©e's (yeah i english-ize french words with "  's  " because i'm ..hardcore.) attracted me enough for me to want to buy them..either that or my economic convenience radar.. thingy is evolving.
I need to make a comic..a proper one..where i dont make up the story as i go along..

Tried "profiteroles"(..with ice cream on the inside not yucky whipped cream...) yesterday. we got on very well..

Thursday, 14 July 2011

random sketches and slow progress

I've been reunited with pencils :) :)   ^ that's a Titeuf cover i redrew in a less cartoony but still kinda cartoony style :P cant blame him for being pissed. he's got that much hair left n hasnt even hit puberty yet. I dont understand how that  comic/show is for kids :s. and they show family guy, american dad and southpark during the day here without bleeping out any naughty words  hehe.

Here's a crappy scrappy lil unfinished comic. these events did not occur...apart from the first panel.

aaand.. dont really know what this is..

as for the painting which started off quite well..T__T its been giving me hell. lovely dose of depression most times i open the file. but i'll conquer it before the end of the month. somehow

happy 14th July to anyone who cares :D
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