Friday, 23 March 2012

Instrument of myself

I took a break from "programming"
this is an old idea that came about after hearing a priest ask "who are you an instrument of?" and I thought I was G, responding in my head with "myself :D " -_-'. Then I drew a rushed crappy version sometime (..a year?)  later as a card or something, but kept saying I'd do it properly as a digital painting one of these days...well i dont have time to do a painting at the moment sooo did this instead ..

hehehe. She's playing (with) herself. lol
ok I'll grow up.

 Looks like this is my first proper drawing of 2012.   and it's the end of March.     how sad :(

 In other news: Procrastination led me to discover Society6 yesterday.  From what I've seen so far it looks like every single artist on there is amazing, so I feel like I'm breaking some sort of rule by posting alongside them. I cant seem to find it on the site though (yes I've looked) so I'm guessing it's unwritten.. so....i'm just gonna ignore it and...continue :D
 wanna buy stuff??? >>>
. iPhone and iPod skins
. Stationary cards
. Art Prints
....and the rest you can navigate to yourself :P

Ok. back to trial and error programming
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